Welcome at Munckhof
Below you will find the contact details of your Munckhof Business Travel branche.
Phone number: +31 (0)50 207 6340
24/7: +31 (0)50 207 6340 (option 1 for emergency)
E-mail: groningen@munckhof.nl
Website: www.munckhofbusinesstravel.nl
AVA Book: https://munckhofbusinesstravel.nl/ava-book
Your travel team
Our colleagues at Munckhof Business Travel Groningen will be happy to assist you.
Laura Heijink
Christianne Ruiter
Business Travel Consultant
Deveny Waage
Business Travel Consultant
Ellen Leeuwerik
Business Travel Consultant
Renée Groenewold
Business Travel Consultant
Sharon Hummel
Business Travel Consultant