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Cuneus on Munckhof Business Travel: efficiency and personal service are paramount

Cuneus is an inland shipping secondment company. Cuneus posts international personnel and operates worldwide. Since 2018, Cuneus has partnered with Munckhof Business Travel to provide travel for seafarers. We spoke with Roxy van Wenum, Operations Manager at Cuneus, about this successful partnership.


“We have been using Munckhof for booking flights for 6 years now. In addition, we occasionally use Munckhof Taxi. Because Munckhof Taxi is located throughout the Netherlands, there is always a cab available. That works nicely.”

Efficient service delivery

For Cuneus, Munckhof Business Travel’s services have made a huge contribution to improving business processes. But why? Roxy elaborates: “Previously, we booked our tickets through a colleague in the Philippines, who in turn booked through a local agency. This process was cumbersome and time-consuming, with many links and inefficiencies. When I heard through my network that Munckhof could also book sailor tickets, I decided to get in touch.” From there, a great partnership then developed. “The contact with Munckhof was immediately smooth and fast, allowing us to start booking our tickets right away. Munckhof responded immediately to our flight requirements and responded accordingly. This suddenly made my work much faster and more efficient!”
Cuneus recently switched to AVA Maritime, the online booking tool developed specifically for booking tickets for seafarers. “Because of this booking tool, we can now book our tickets ourselves. This is very convenient and secretly I really enjoy doing it. I come from the aviation industry, so the fact that there is then an option to dive into the booking world myself really appeals to me,” Roxy says enthusiastically.


A personal approach, going the extra mile

During the conversation, we also looked back at our collaboration during the COVID period. A challenging time with a lot of uncertainty. Roxy elaborates on this: “During the COVID period it was certainly not easy to arrange flights. Despite the challenges, Munckhof always managed to find a solution for booking, canceling and rebooking tickets. We had a lot of contact and called often to switch gears. One of Munckhof’s creative solutions during this period was to put fictitious names on tickets so that at least seats were available.This helped us tremendously during this challenging time!”  

A future-proof collaboration

Both Munckhof Business Travel and Cuneus are looking ahead with enthusiasm. “We have always received the service from Munckhof Business Travel that we are used to. In this I don’t expect anything else in the coming years either,” Roxy said. So whether Roxy would recommend Munckhof Business Travel to others? “Definitely! Munckhof Business Travel responds quickly and in a personal way. In addition, I always get the feeling that we are at the top of the priority list. That says it all. And certainly not unimportant, at Munckhof Business Travel one word is enough. They know the industry and know our needs. That works so nicely!”