Data security at Munckhof
Everyone considers it important that their belongings are properly secured. You do the same at home. Your own administration is well stored and valuables are in a safe. You make sure that the risk of losing these items is as small as possible. You have a fire alarm in the house, the doors are locked and you work with strong passwords for the data stored online. This is all self-evident. Yet it turns out that for many organizations this is still ‘not’ the case when it comes to the security of personal and company data. In this blog we will tell you more about what Munckhof does when it comes to data security.
Why data security is important
A data breach is often in a small corner and can have major consequences for business processes, reputation and customer relations. Unfortunately, data breaches still occur regularly at organizations, causing personal and/or business-sensitive information to be made public. Examples include personal account information, passwords, travel information, medical data, but also credit card information and personal address details. To minimize the risk of a data breach, organizations can improve their data security by following certain guidelines, making people within the organization more aware of data security (and AVG) and by taking technical measures.
What Munckhof does to protect your company and personal data
For Munckhof, data security has been a top priority for years. Back in 2019, Munckhof achieved ISO 27001 certification. This certification, focused on information security, shows that Munckhof as an organization meets all requirements around information security. In 2021 Munckhof also achieved, as one of the first TMCs in the Netherlands, the ISO 27701 certification. This certification complements the already globally recognized standard ISO 27001 and demonstrates that Munckhof stores and processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG/GDPR). By following these ISO guidelines, we guarantee that our systems and procedures ensure that the personal data of our customers and travelers, and the personal data of our own staff, are processed in a safe and reliable manner. It also shows that we have taken the necessary measures to protect ourselves against cyber attacks and to limit the risk of data loss. For example, refresher training and courses are given regularly to Munckhof employees to keep data security ‘top of mind’.
Want to know more about the security of your personal and company data?
If you have any questions about the security of your personal and company data, you can ask your contact person at Munckhof or directly to the sales team via the contact form on the website.