Let us inspire you about the meaning and added value of travel management. Read about it in our blogs and cases.

Reaping the benefits of NDC adoption – hand in hand with Amadeus
The benefits of New Distribution Capability (NDC) are now starting to crystallize across our industry.

On a business trip by train: the comfortable medium-distance alternative
Do you regularly fly to Brussels, London or Berlin for your organization? Then consider the train: a comfortable alternative to flying.

Reduce your travel costs through compliancy
Business travel can be a high cost for an organization. What knobs can you turn to realize savings without missing the purpose of business travel? In this article, we zoom in on compliance. Failure to comply with a travel policy costs organizations tons of money. If travelers were to adhere to travel arrangements 5% more, […]

How much privacy are you willing to give up in exchange for security?
Did you know that your travel data has been collected and maintained by the Department of Security and Justice for years?

Why are we available 24/7?
Munckhof employees can be reached by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A service we offer our customers because our services also continue 24 hours a day. Read more about it here.

Munckhof Business Travel invests in unique booking tool for seafarer transportation
Munckhof Business Travel is launching its new smart booking tool: AVA Maritime. AVA Maritime is specially designed for booking seafarer tickets. With this tool users can book, change and cancel airline tickets online themselves.

Business travel during a crisis
Despite the corona crisis, some companies are still required to travel for business. Read here what to take into account when traveling for business.

How do I get a better handle on my travel costs?
One clear dashboard where you can find everything, fully set up according to your travel policy. Read here how we can do it for you!

How do you ensure safety, trust and security for your travelers?
3 reasons for Travel Arrangers to always work with a Travel Management Company after COVID-19.

Keeping up in a changing world
3 reasons for Directors and Management to always work with a Travel Management Company after COVID-19.

How mature is your travel policy?
Every employer has a duty to ensure that business travelers face the least possible risks. But how do you ensure this?

How safe are your business travelers?
As a Travel Arranger, how can you contribute to this? A good travel policy will provide you with the necessary tools!

100% in control with your own travel cockpit
No more individual emails and dozens of tabs? Read here how we realize it for you!

KLM on Munckhof: “Trust is the basis for multi-faceted partnership”
A unique collaboration in which trust in each other and understanding of each other’s position are central.

Cuneus on Munckhof Business Travel: efficiency and personal service are paramount
For Cuneus, Munckhof Business Travel’s services have made a huge contribution to improving business processes. Curious why? View the case!

“Great service, good rates and short lines of communication”
We have known some of our customers for years. Just as the ladies and gentlemen of Gerwil Crewing. Munckhof Business Travel has been supporting them in booking airline tickets for over 20 years. Time to talk to them… This is Louwe Hakvoort, owner of Gerwil. Gerwil is a maritime staffing agency, specialized in providing personnel […]

We always have a can-do mentality
No thresholds, personal contact and always transparent; that is what makes our service so special.

“Customer recognition is our strength. We only need one word”
For us, organizing business travel is much more than booking a ticket.
More than 1300 companies have preceded you:
Munckhof Business Travel keeps you informed.
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